Oil on Wood, 40" x 30" Part of "COLLECTIONS" Artist of the Month Exhibition for November. Runs from the 1st-30th.

Oil on Canvas, 21" x 21" Part of "COLLECTIONS" Artist of the Month Exhibition for November. Runs from the 1st-30th.

Oil on Canvas, 24" x 30" Part of "COLLECTIONS" Artist of the Month Exhibition for November. Runs from the 1st-30th.

Oil on Birch Panel, 30" x 24" Part of "COLLECTIONS" Artist of the Month Exhibition for November. Runs from the 1st-30th.

Oil on Canvas, 30h x 24w in. $1,100

Oil on Canvas, 30h x 24w in. $1,100

Oil on Canvas, 20h x 10w in. $295

Oil on Canvas, 20h x 10w in. $295

Jean-Pierre Dubreuil was born in France in 1952. His artistic talent developed as early as lower school where his caricatures earned him many detentions. After perfectly boring business and law studies he joined the corporate world that led him to live in multiple places in Europe, the Middle and Far-East.
After attending an executive program at the Harvard Business School, where he met his wife, he settled in Boston and started an information technology consulting company from which he is trying to retire.
Although most of his current paintings reflect memories of France and New England, Asheville and the Blue Mountains are now his favorite subjects.
He works actively in oils, watercolors, and acrylics. Recently he developed a keen interest for painting murals and started working with pastels.
He paints because he enjoys it and believes “it is cheaper than therapy”. He does not have any intellectual "mission statement" except trying to create paintings he is satisfied with, and that hopefully other people might enjoy.
His other interests involve cooking for friends and family and reading. He is also a flight instructor, commercial pilot qualified on airplanes, seaplanes, and helicopters. He teaches watercolors on a semi-regular basis.
He and his wife Dana, have two adult children and two grandchildren. They now live in Asheville with “Chachat” an over-indulged affectionate grey cat.